About HikingThe Halton Outdoor Club offers an extensive hiking program to a variety of destinations with options for various levels of hiking. This sport is a year-round activity in the Halton Outdoor Club, with spring and fall being our busiest seasons. We welcome adults of all ages to explore destinations near and far on foot with us. Please note that we do not allow dogs on any of our hikes. Day Hikes
Hikes are categorized by distance, pace, and terrain. Participants are asked to carefully read the information written for each hike to determine if the level of hike is appropriate for their ability. New hikers are advised to start with a shorter, easier hike and work their way up. Participants are asked to wear supportive hiking boots with a good tread, and to dress in layers according to the weather. A backpack will allow hikers to carry plenty of water, snacks, rainwear, and bug repellant and sunscreen as required. Bus Day HikesThe Halton Outdoor Club sometimes hires a bus to take hikers to slightly more distant trails in areas such as Niagara, Caledon, or the Oak Ridges Moraine. A fee is charged to cover the cost of the bus. To ensure that everyone enjoys themselves, various levels of hikes are offered. Extended Hike TripsHOC extended hike trips always involve an overnight stay. While they usually take place within Ontario, we sometimes explore national and international destinations. The Club aims to offer shorter hiking holidays of 2-4 days, usually designed to accommodate a wide range of hiking abilities. We travel by coach and stay in comfortable hotels in such places as Leamington, Owen Sound, Collingwood, Huntsville, and Kingston. Our volunteer trip leaders work very hard to keep the cost of these short holidays as affordable as possible. The extended trips are posted on the "Events Calendar" and can also be found on the "Extended Trips" page of the HOC website. A Trip Information Sheet is available for each event and gives all the important details of the trip. Registration is done on the HOC website on a first-come, first-served basis. If adventure travel is your style, the Halton Outdoor Club has also offered trips to more distant destinations – for example, to Great Britain, the Grand Canyon, Italy, Newfoundland, Chile, and Argentina. These trips are planned and led by experienced Club members. The hikes are well-researched and led by our own members and/or by professional guides.
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